Life Insurance & Financial Services
Is there a sadder situation than that of a young widow with small children sobbing at the funeral of her husband? Or what about the sad wake of single mother struck down in the prime of life, leaving two children to fend for themselves?

Know the Facts
Life insurance would have protected them after their mother and father passed away. And the interesting thing is that life insurance can cost so little. Especially if purchased early in life. Do not burden your family with debt.
The professionals at St. Andrews Insurance will make sure your loved ones are supported if something happens to you. We will show you all of your life insurance options.
Whole Life Vs. Term Life Policies
Whole Life
Term Life
The Basic
Guaranteed lifetime protection and access to cash value that’s guaranteed to grow.
Coverage for temporary needs with options that allow you to prepare for the future.
Length of Coverage
Guaranteed lifetime protection as long as your premiums are paid.
A set period of time, usually 10 to 20 years.
How You Pay
Cash Value & Growth
Life Insurance Benefits
Whole Life Vs. Term Life Policies
Whole Life
The Basic
Guaranteed lifetime protection and access to cash value that’s guaranteed to grow.
Length of Coverage
Guaranteed lifetime protection as long as your premiums are paid.
How You Pay
Cash Value & Growth
Life Insurance Benefits
Term Life
The Basic
Coverage for temporary needs with options that allow you to prepare for the future.
Length of Coverage
A set period of time, usually 10 to 20 years.
How You Pay
Cash Value & Growth
Life Insurance Benefits

Your Life Insurance Expert
If you are receiving life insurance as a benefit of your job, congratulations. However, please remember, it is only a great perk if you are working. If you lose that job, you lose the life insurance.
Do not allow your family to flounder if you meet an untimely end. Make them whole so they can live the life you would have desired for them.
At St. Andrews Insurance we understand the importance of protection and the contentment of peace of mind. We have been providing it to your fellow earners in since 1989.